The Secretary General under the authority of the President of the Council is the Deputy Chief of Administration and coordinates all activities of the President. It affects the responsibilities and attributions between the services of the Council. It supervises and organizes the activities of the services in a structural and functional way while following the execution of the programs of activities and ensures the preparation of the work of the commissions.The Secretary General under the authority of the President of the Council is the Deputy Chief of Administration and coordinates all activities of the President. It affects the responsibilities and attributions between the services of the Council. It supervises and organizes the activities of the services in a structural and functional way while following the execution of the programs of activities and ensures the preparation of the work of the commissions. The General Secretariat intervenes with the organs in the making of their decisions. It follows up on the decisions of the President of the Council as part of the execution by the President of the decision of the Circle Council.
The Secretary General also ensures relations with citizens, guardianship and external services.


Secrétaire Général